Kherson Shipyard (KhSY) is one of the leading shipbuilding enterprises in Ukraine. The shipyard was founded in 1951. The production capacities of the Company allow for the construction of various types of vessels with a displacement of up to 30,000 tonnes: tankers, bulk carriers, container ships, icebreakers and Arctic supply ships, refrigerators, tugs and other offshore vessels.
KhSY successfully collaborates with both domestic and foreign customers. Since joining Smart-Holding, the shipyard has delivered 41 ships to 26 countries worldwide, including Norway, Denmark, South Africa, China, Russia, Greece, Spain, Turkey, and the Netherlands.
Maximum length
180,0 m
Maximum width
25,3 m
Maximum launching draft
4,2 m
Launching weight
3 000 t
Maximum length
140,0 m
Maximum width
30 m
Maximum launching draft
3,0 m
Launching weight
3 000 t
Performs works on preparatory treatment of rolled metal products (straightening, shotblasting, priming), cutting and bending of parts. Carries out straightening, shotblasting and cutting of rolled metal plates 3-50 mm thick with maximum dimensions 3200 Х 16000 mm on plasma flame and gas cutting machines. Bending equipment allows for bending parts of different types and shapes out of 1-50 mm thick plates including complicated shapes bending as per templets and mock-molds, dishing process out of 6-10 mm thick plate, dia 350-800 mm as well as bending of parts out of rolled shape.
Performs assembly and welding of metal sections and blocks of all types (flat and volume). Fabricates sections and blocks 16 m х 25,3 m of 85-180 tons weight with use of overhead cranes 30-100 TLC. ESAB (Sweden) mechanized line was installed for assembly of flat sections 16x16 m with automatic welding of plates and framing. Semiautomatic and automatic welding is widely used as well. After fabrication sections are corrosion protected with primer. For transportation of large sections with weight up to 200 tons, special trailers of SCHEUERLE (Germany) and KAMAG (Germany) companies are used.
Formation of hulls is executed on two building sites. On Production Site No. 1 hull assembly is executed on slip lines (300 m each) by straight line production method, where large blocks (up to 2000 tons) are joined lengthwise the vessel. Blocks are formed in the specialized Large Block Assembly Building equipped with 50 and 100 TLC cranes. Blocks are transported to the slipway by up to 2500 TLC transborder. To move large blocks or a hull, a train of hydraulic trolleys 150 and 200 TLC is used. The slipways look like horizontal lines equipped with overhead cranes 50 TLC and gantry cranes 80/63/10 TLC. The site provides for construction of vessels up to 180 m long, up to 25,3 m wide, launching weight up to 8000 tons with launching through flooding docking chamber. The docking chamber accepts vessel from each slipway line, provides for her coming afloat, then the ship is taken out of the chamber sidewise by ship’s facilities to the tow-out canal and taken to the outfitting berth after water discharge from the docking chamber.
On Production Site No. 2 hull formation is performed in a covered slip on two lines, 240 m long and 36 m wide each. The site provides for construction of vessels up to 140 m long and up to 32 m wide with launching on inclined trolleys.
Fabricates straight and bent steel, stainless steel pipes and copper-nickel alloy pipes up to 12 m long, dia 32-450 mm, performs mounting, testing and delivery of pipelines and systems on vessels under construction and repair. There is also pipe fabrication for external customers.
Performs mounting and adjustment of hatch covers , fabrication and installation of masts and ventilation systems, sheathing of exhaust-gas ducts, fabrication and mounting of railings, mounting of accommodation lining furring and engine-room plating, electrical equipment, live-saving and fire-fighting equipment, pre-insulation and after-insulation outfitting, securing of fittings, equipment, furniture, masts and spars details, rigging.
Implements works using the latest technologies on application of modern coatings to all types of surfaces onboard vessels under construction and repair, mounting of sheathing and insulation made of advanced materials, fabrication and installation of furniture, laying of linoleum and ceramic tiles as well as shotblasting, blasting of welds and surfaces prior to painting.
Is a uniform complex manufacturing parts and details for Hull, Pipework, Outfitting Production etc., including works on assembly, welding, thermal cutting, stamping, painting and complete machining of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (boring, gouging, vertical turning, machining on NC machines), thermal processing of parts. The range of engineering production numbers in about 20000 items: accommodation ladders, tanks, fire doors, penetrations, welded-on pieces, flanges, cable boxes etc.
Kherson shipyard SMG was founded in 1951 as a basic yard for merchant shipbuilding in former USSR and now it is with good reason considered one of the leading shipbuilding and shiprepair yards in Ukraine. For its half a century history the shipyard was attributed a reputation of a reliable partner. Over 300 vessels were built for 26 countries of the world. The Yard encourages attention of shipowners of the world’s leading powers owing to variety of types of constructed vessels: tankers, dry-cargo vessels, ice-breakers, multi-purpose vessels, container ships, arctic supply vessels, drilling ships etc. Kherson Shipyard was founded in 1951 as a basic yard for merchant shipbuilding in former USSR and now it is with good reason considered one of the leading shipbuilding and shiprepair yards in Ukraine. For its half a century history the shipyard was attributed a reputation of a reliable partner. Over 300 vessels were built for 26 countries of the world. The Yard encourages attention of shipowners of the world’s leading powers owing to variety of types of constructed vessels: tankers, dry-cargo vessels, ice-breakers, multi-purpose vessels, container ships, arctic supply vessels, drilling ships etc.
On the 23rd of December, 1959, the first dry cargo turbo vessel, 16,500 dwt Leninsky Komsomol put to sea for sea trials. During those years twenty vessels of that type were constructed, including Parizhskaya Kommuna, the first native dry cargo gas turbine vessel with CPP.
In 1963 shipbuilders mastered construction of dry cargo vessels of Вezhitza type. The distinguishing feature of such vessels is maximum deck opening, double sides and centreline longitudinal bulkhead, mechanical hatch covers.
In 1971 Alexandr Fadeev-type container vessels' construction started. The vessels were designed for transportation of cargo in containers of international standard. Simultaneously with Alexandr Fadeev-type vessels the Shipyard developed multipurpose vessels' construction of Geroi Panfilovtzy type. That type of vessels was designed for transportation of any cargoes: general cargo, grains, industrial equipment as well as international standard container cargo.
The time put new tasks before designers and shipbuilders. From 1980 the construction of the first native lighter carriers started: vessel length - 262,8 m, depth - 18,3 m, breadth - 32,2 m, tonnage of 60,000 t. 500 TLC crane on the vessel provided for loading operations of launching and heaving-in of 82 lighters or 1473 containers without shore facilities.
From 1984 shipbuilders got down to construction of Arctic supply vessels. They were designed for transportation of various cargoes: dry cargo, petroleum, oil and lubricants, vehicles. 1986 was marked with orders for construction of drilling vessels: Glubina-1 and Glubina-2.
In 2005 revival of the shipyard started. Contracts for construction of new ships were signed and the yard initiated the shipbuilding revival programme. The scope of shiprepair and modernization more than doubled.
Today the yard’s facilities allow for construction of not only the above mentioned types of vessels but also commercially successful offshore – type ships.
The Enterprise, its structural divisions and technological processes are certified and have certificates of classification societies – IACS Members (International Association of Classification Societies).
As a large production enterprise Smart Maritime Group LLC constantly cares about environmental protection. Protection of the natural environment is one of the leading priorities in the enterprise activities. LLC SMG management team not only strictly observes the Laws of Ukraine and other regulatory legal acts on environment protection but also undertakes additional responsibilities on improvement of environmental situation in the region and minimization of impact of harmful production factors on the environment. LLC SMG conducts its business with permit for emission by stationary sources of ambient air contamination and special water use permit. According to the taken inventory of stationary sources of ambient air contamination LLC SMG belongs to the third group of enterprises, which are not required to undergo registration as facilities which have or may have unfavorable effect upon public health or state of the ambient air. Production waste or domestic solid waste is handed over by the enterprise in compliance with the signed agreements to economic entities which possess the corresponding permits and licenses related to waste treatment.
The aim of the Health and Safety system of the enterprise is everyday prevention of accidents and occupational health problems in the course of production activities. The administrative staff is confident that all accidents can be warned and prevented so the Health and Safety Service was arranged at the enterprise with developed three-tier system of Health and Safety management.
The administrative staff of the enterprise on a regular basis provides for training of the personnel, which implements hazardous work (work with bottles, gas, crane and machinery operation). Training is conducted only in specialized training organizations in Kherson and Kiev.