Nikolayev Shipyard is one of the largest shipbuilding companies in Ukraine focusing on naval shipbuilding. The shipyard was founded in 1897. Over its lifetime, the Company has built more than a thousand ships and vessels of various types and purposes. Nikolayev Shipyard is a well-equipped multi-discipline shipbuilding facility that can offer the serial production of vessels with a displacement of up to 120,000 tonnes.
Nikolayev Shipyard has vast experience in the construction of naval ships in the Azov-Black Sea region. In December 2009, the shipyard won a tender for the construction of a series of 10 corvette class ships for the Naval Forces of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. The total amount of the contract until 2026 is over $ 2.5 billion. It is the largest defence order of the Naval Forces in the history of independent Ukraine. The capacities of the Company also enable it to carry out projects in the field of commercial shipbuilding.
Maximum length
330 m
Maximum width
41,0 m
Maximum draught
10,0 m
Dock weight
1 500 t
Lifting capacity of cranes
2*900 t
Maximum length
120 m
Maximum width
40,0 m
Maximum draught
3,9 m
Launching weight
4 000 t
Workshop fabricates semi-products and separate parts of ships’ hulls out of sheet products and shaped profile. Workshop area is 23000 sq.m. (5 bays 195х120 m).
The workshop structure comprises sheet products and shaped profile straightening site; plate cutting, pre-assembling and profile processing sites.
On straightening site metal is shotblasted to SA 2½ as per Swedish standard by shotblasting and painting installation.
Workshop machine tool population includes 3 thermal cutting lines for metal of 3-100 mm thickness and maximum size 3000х12000 mm, equipped with 10 machines of Krystal type and one machine АG-400, wide range of plate-bending and pressing equipment providing for bending of sheet steel (up to 60 mm thick) and shaped steel, shaped profile processing line. Guillotines allow for mechanical cutting of sheet steel up to 10 mm thick.
Transportation of semi-products and parts between production sites is done by means of roller beds and crane equipment of 2-20 tons lifting capacity.
Capacity of the available equipment provides for processing of about 40 000 tons of metal per year.
The workshop performs assembly of details, parts, flat and volume sections for ships under construction. The workshop consists of two buildings with 4 and 3 bays.
4-bay building with area of 12 000 sq.m. is equipped with welded framing, bottom framing and non-typical flat sections fabrication lines. Workshop bays are equipped with 30-80 TLC cranes allowing for production of sections weighing from 30 to 120 tons. Sections are transported by rail.
In 3-bay building with area of 18 000 sq.m. there is a flat section 16х16 m fabrication site. The other two bays are used for fabrication of volume large-size sections. All bays are equipped with 100 TLC cranes allowing for production of sections with maximum dimension 32х16х7,5 m and weight up to 180 kg.
All main types of welding are used in assembly and welding workshop, namely: automatic submerge arc welding, semiautomatic gas-shielded welding, manual welding.
Sections from workshop to paint chamber, to slipways and SLP are transported by MAFI truck trailer 350 TLC and yard’s railway transport.
The capacity of the workshop with the available equipment is 30 000 tons of processed metal per year.
Slipway «0» is intended for construction of vessels up to 100 000 tons deadweight and has the following main particulars:
Overall dimension 330х40 m.
Launching weight of ships – up to 25000 tons
The Slipway is equipped with two gantry cranes 900 TLC each. It is possible to mount and assemble sections of up to 1460 tons weight on a heavy-duty near-slipway slab.
Slipway «1» is intended for construction of vessels up to 45 000 tons deadweight and has the following main particulars:
Overall dimension 290х33 m.
Launching weight of ships – up to 10000 tons.
Fabricates and mounts systems and items of steel, copper, copper-nickel, bimetal, stainless steel and other pipes.
The site of pipe cutting and bending deals with cutting pipes of big diameter on gas-cutting machine УТС-325; cutting pipes of small diameter on cutting machines; bending pipes of small diameter on pipe-bending machines of STG and TGSV types. There is necessary test-bench equipment for hydraulic testing and X-Ray. All workshop bays are furnished with overhead travelling cranes and cranes 1-5 TLC.
The workshop structure also comprises the site of pipes chemical treatment, galvanizing site and warehouses.
Performs mounting of ship machinery, power plants and their systems, control and automation systems, auxiliary ship machinery and gears, engineering items, articles of interplant cooperation and performs other assembly and welding works for shipbuilding and shiprepair needs.
The workshop comprises a closed type floating facility with sliding roof, located in way of slipway «0», which is involved into complete assembly of main engines of up to 500 tons weight with further loading on board ships being under construction on this slipway. Engine is loaded by use of cranes 900 TLC.
Performs outfitting and equipment of vessels under construction and repair on slipways and afloat alongside the building berths. There are three building berths in the workshop.
The East Berth – 235 m length is served by two cranes 10 and 20 TLC.
The North Berth - 338,8 m length, is served by two cranes 40 TLC and one crane 30 TLC.
The West Berth - 297,1 m length, is served by two cranes 40 TLC.
There is a special test bench for testing main engines and propulsion test, capacity up to 12000÷14000 kW.
The available production facilities and areas of outfitting workshops provide for outfitting and delivery of vessels with aggregate deadweight up to 100 000 tons per year.
Sections and small size hulls are painted in painting chamber (120х24 m). Large ships are painted with use of mobile apparatus directly on production positions.
The chamber is furnished with modern cleaning and painting equipment produced in Germany, Sweden and USA. Sections are transported into the painting chamber both with internal yard’s railway transport and by MAFI ship trolley.
The aggregate annual painted surface with regard to painting of vessels on slipways and building berths comes to about 520 000 – 540 000 sq.m.
SLP is intended for series construction of vessels up to 9000 tons DWT.
Production sites and ship construction straight line are located in one roofed slipway of 420 m length. SLP structure forms a complete cycle of ship construction and repair.
The building comprises the main bay and two adjoining transverse buildings consisting of seven and four separately located transverse bays.
Seven transverse bays with dimensions 96х156 m contain assembly and welding production on ship section fabrication served by overhead cranes 10-50 TLC.
Four bays of the building with dimensions 96х96 m contain mechanical installation and pipe production served by overhead cranes 5-20 TLC.
In separately located buildings there are insulation, carpenter’s and outfitting production sites.
The main bay of the roofed slipway, having dimensions 30х384 m, deals with assembly of blocks and formation of ship’s hull on three slip positions. All positions are equipped with fixed (transportable) scaffold. Ship’s hull block formation is done with use of side preslip positions, equipped with the required stands.
The available crane equipment containing 9 units of 22-200 TLC allows to perform cargo handling operations with hull structures and equipment weighing up to 200 tons and height of lift up to 15 m.
Ships are formed on ship-carrying trolleys, moved with the help of capstan in production positions and to floating dock for launching.
Exposed position behind the main bay contains superstructures, masts, funnels and other ship equipment which cannot be located under the roof of the main bay. The exposed position is equipped with gantry cranes 30 and 50 TLC.
Floating dock with pontoon deck sizes of 120x40 m provides for docking of floating facilities weighing up to 9000 tons (during ship repair and modernization).
Floating dock provides for launching and lifting vessels to horizontal slipway position of 145 m length, and width not exceeding 17 m, with up to 3500 tons weight. From horizontal slipway position it is possible to move vessels under roof of straight line production workshop with limitation in mast and antenna post height up to 18 m.
The Enterprise, its structural divisions and technological processes are certified and have certificates of classification societies – IACS Members (International Association of Classification Societies).
As a large production enterprise Smart Maritime Group LLC constantly cares about environmental protection. Protection of the natural environment is one of the leading priorities in the enterprise activities. LLC SMG management team not only strictly observes the Laws of Ukraine and other regulatory legal acts on environment protection but also undertakes additional responsibilities on improvement of environmental situation in the region and minimization of impact of harmful production factors on the environment. LLC SMG conducts its business with permit for emission by stationary sources of ambient air contamination and special water use permit. According to the taken inventory of stationary sources of ambient air contamination LLC SMG belongs to the third group of enterprises, which are not required to undergo registration as facilities which have or may have unfavorable effect upon public health or state of the ambient air. Production waste or domestic solid waste is handed over by the enterprise in compliance with the signed agreements to economic entities which possess the corresponding permits and licenses related to waste treatment.
The aim of the Health and Safety system of the enterprise is everyday prevention of accidents and occupational health problems in the course of production activities. The administrative staff is confident that all accidents can be warned and prevented so the Health and Safety Service was arranged at the enterprise with developed three-tier system of Health and Safety management.
The administrative staff of the enterprise on a regular basis provides for training of the personnel, which implements hazardous work (work with bottles, gas, crane and machinery operation). Training is conducted only in specialized training organizations in Kherson and Kiev.